Member-only story
Trade from TradingView to your Hopper
We have great news for users who use TradingView! We have launched the Beta version of our app store. You can expect integrations there, such as the one with TradingView. It is now finally possible to send trades directly from your TradingView to your Hopper.
Are you familiar with TradingView? In case you aren’t, it is a famous social trading platform where you can practically check any existing market in the world. There, you will find almost every cryptocurrency pair available and a large variety of indicators to design your strategy with.
Now, you can use the famous platform to send trades to your hopper in a much easier way! You will be able to trade with any indicator of the TradingView public library and send these trades to your hopper immediately.
How does it work?
If you are a paid tradingview user:
- Log into your Cryptohopper account.
- Click on the section Apps, you can find it in the left column.
- Select TradingView.
- There you will see an unique webhook URL for your hopper (note that each of your hoppers has a different one). Copy-paste it in the TradingView alert box, by clicking on the option “Webhook URL”.
Webhook URL